You already know all about my first post about the DeLorean by heart, here is the second one. This post is about the car evolution into the Flying DeLorean. Every big fan remembers the shock he experienced at the very end of the first Back to the Future when he saw the DeLorean taking off […]
I wanted to make a DeLorean for years. Possibilities were not infinite. There is an acceptable Aoshima kit (reviewed in french by my friend Yvan West Laurence here) but when I learnt three years ago the publication of an “easy to do it yourself kit” from Eaglemoss including only 458 issues at the special price […]
I didn’t really scheduled this assembly. I was placing an order on starship modelers, photoetch for my Eagle Transporter when I saw a Fujimi Lotus Esprit. I didn’t knew anything about this kit before. Compulsive shopping. I built it just after the Eagle, as if I had taken a digestive after a good meal. Not […]