- Length : : 1,20 m
- Width : : 1,10 m
- Height : : 1,00 m
- Materials : : Bois, carte plastique
- Scale : : 1/72
This diorama named “trench run” represents a Death Star cross-section, as if we had extracted a slice. The scene takes place a few seconds before Han Solo onboard the Millenium Falcon hits a Vader’s wingman, leaving Luke free to blow up the station.
The “Trench run” genesis
I was thirteen when the idea of this diorama emerged to me. I can still remember myself collecting all sorts of wrapping in order to recreate a Death Star trench wall. Nonetheless I had to reach adulthood to make this idea become real, mainly for financial and size reasons. I chose the 1/72 scale which allows to get all the necessary kits and a reasonnable-sized scene at the same time.
So, I first built a wooden structure of an imposing size. The casing is mainly made of cut and glued plastic sheets but also of recycled materials such as toys (I can remember a jetpack from an astronaut action man), whipped cream siphon gas cylinders, old (and not so old…) kitchen tools… Of course I drew my inspiration from screenshots and pictures found on the web to catch the essence of this incredible set created by ILM modelers and illustrators in 1977.
Do you want another slice ?
Stay on target…
Commander Garven Dreis
The front of the diorama was a problem. How to get a trench with its three faces without spoiling the front view ? On sides, no problem, we immediately identify the U shaped structure but if I contented myself with the external structure, the front view would have been a hideous wooden plank. The solution was to create a significant portion of the inside of de Death Star. Nevertheless, I had to think about setting a big hole up to allow to see the chase taking place outside. Thus I decided to build a complete hangar bay. In addition, the construction of a hangar bay allowed me to show Tie fighters in their racks. Thereby, the front view shows a cross-section of the Death Star, like a slice.
Model kits used for the Trench Run
The 9 kits used are :
- three X-Wings from Finemolds upgraded to receive a cockpit and trusters light-up.
- four Tie Fighters from Finemolds (2 in flight, 2 in racks) upgraded as well for thrusters light-up.
- a Tie Interceptor from Finemolds
- un mix between a Finemolds Tie Fighter and a Tie X-1 (Vader) from Revell
On 7 occasions I presented this diorama :
- Migennes Collector 2012
- Mâcon Collexion 2012
- Cusset Generation Star Wars 2012
- Swiss Collectors (Morges) 2012
- Migennes Collector 2013
- Mâcon Collexion 2013
- Cusset Generation Star Wars 2013
I know, I know, I’m recycling but when you have spent more than 2000 hours on doing something, repetitions are permitted. Today, the diorama is exposed in my personnal collection and is no longer transportable after so many assemblies and disassemblies.
by petersteven