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Take control

Dear visitors, today is a great day for you : you can now take control on Fantastic Modelers. At least a little. I’ve brought many improvements to the site. First, it is now faster than ever, at last I’ve learnt to code correctly (and took a good host…). No more mourning waiting hours that images or videos be loaded.

Then, I added new features making the website jump right into the XXst century :

Posted on 4 March 2021 by petersteven in Finished model, Site operation

Inside the Millenium Falcon (1)

In this post, we go inside the Millenium Falcon. I’ll show you the beginning of the Millenium Falcon DeAgostini inner sections’ creation. I’m making all those section from scratch. The ship’s holds, the gun turrets, the corridors etc. The work is gigantic and Im’ going to be pushed on my limits.

I’ve already talked about the making of the external parts of the Millenium Falcon DeAgostini on several WIP posts and on a complet review here.

Posted on 11 February 2021 by petersteven in Work in progress

A naked DeLorean
and a flying Leia

Unless this is the opposite…

After a little touching up on the website at the beginning of the year that took me a while, I finally find the time to write this post to show you two new entries : the flying DeLorean and a figurine of the princess Leia. I’m warning you, there is butt…

Posted on 3 February 2021 by petersteven in Finished model

Comics are now on Fantastic Modelers

Blake et Mortimer, the Yellow 'M' - top view

Fantasy and sci-fi, born during the XIXe century with famous writers like Mary Shelley, Bram Stocker, Maupassant, Jule Verne or H.G.Wells have always been on all artistic supports. The seventh art of course, first art on this website with many Star Wars and Star Trek topics but today Fantastic Modelers goes to comics, the ninth art.

So, let me show you my latest diorama from the French-Belgian comics : a representation of the Yellow ‘M’ cover, famous Blake and Mortimer’s adventure comic book.

Posted on 2 June 2020 by petersteven in Finished model