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Fantastic modelers is now in english !

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After a huge work which stole me many precious hours of my precious youth (hum), I should be able to present you a beginning of translation of Fantastic Modelers. If you are French speaker you don’t mind (and you don’t read this english text anyway…) but if you are an English speaker this is made for you ! Only two articles have been translated so far but this will increase in the weeks to come.

What is the purpose of the upper switch ?



If I had been given 1 $ each time I had been asked this, I would hang around in Hawaii instead of coding a website just right now. Many have even considered this switch as a trap for dummies… and now it allows you to switch the languages ! Click one time and the site goes to english, click again it switches back into french ! Isn’t it crazy ?

Posted on 7 April 2018 by petersteven in Site operation

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